Our Mission:
The mission of Pro-Organic Belize is to
educate, inspire, and encourage farmers
regarding the benefits and opportunities of
a sustainable pro-organic system of
agriculture that regenerates the soil, and
to educate consumers on the health benefits
of pesticide-free produce.
Objectives and Goals:
Through education and supportive
services, we help farmers and consumers
understand the benefits and opportunities
in growing and consuming organically grown
food -- toward the essential shift in
agriculture from using toxic chemicals
that compromise the integrity of the
environment, our food, our water, our
soil, and our health -- to natural more
cost-effective agricultural practices that
promote well-being and
all to understand the threats
associated with pesticides and food
additives in food.
Pro-Organic Belize Pesticide-Free
Consumers Group In response to
many people now wanting to buy safer
produce, POB has organized a
pesticide-free consumers group, which
started operating in the San Ignacio
area in October 2016. Due to its
success, membership opened to
individuals, families and businesses in
the Belmopan area and most recently to
Spanish Lookout area, Placencia, and San
Pedro residents. If you wish to
participate, send an email toproorganicbelize@gmail.com
requesting to receive our
pesticide-free farmer's harvest
lists emailed to you every other
week with full instructions. Click here
for more details on how to
purchase safer, cleaner, healthier
produce to feed your family.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff
other Belizean organizations concerned
about the environment and food
safety, we sponsored a project to
bring globally recognized authority
Dr. Stephani Seneff to Belize in
April 2017. She testified before the
Pesticide Control Board and spoke to
farmers and the public about the
dangers of using glyphosate on
farmland. It is our intention to
reveal the truth about the
consequences to the environment and
our health toward achieving a ban on
glyphosate. Visit the ban-glyphosate
website for articles, information,
videos, and podcasts toward
understanding this grave threat.
many other countries, Belize has not
yet implemented a regular program to
test for toxic residues left on fruits
& vegetables, locally grown or
imported. According
the WTO (World Trade Org.), since we
do not require testing for our own
locally grown produce, imported
produce coming from other countries
is exempt from testing. We are
working to foster a plan toward
testing food to insure it is clean
and safe to consume. See Clean
Food Belize to Learn How to Help.
Meetings All
POB members and friends are welcome
to attend general and board
meetings. Meetings are held in
person and online via zoom.
Programs Speakers,
presentations, farm visits, and
other activities are generally held
monthly. Presentations are held in
person and online via zoom.
here for a list of past
speakers and links to videos of
speakers since 2021.
up to receive event and
activity announcements
also participate in:
Monthly participation at Barn
& Grill market
Field Trips to
visit organic farms and projects
World Food Day
Agriculture Trade Show (NATS) is held yearly
in Belmopan. In 2022 POB provided a variety of
relating to regenerative agriculture and
Harvest International (SHI)
Belmopan BTIA Expo
to Pro-Organic Belize:
general voting membership.
business membership for any organization
or business wishing to support the
Pro-Organic Belize mission. Supporters are
authorized to display a special
certificate and will receive a free ad on
our website.