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know These farmers grow their produce using organic/pesticide-free practices. Pro-Organic Belize has visited their farms, talked with the farmers, and all are adamant about using natural non-toxic ways to grow their fruits and vegetable toward providing healthy food for their families and customers.

If you know of a farmer in Belize who grows organically, please email us with contact info as more and more people are opting for safe, clean, organic food. email

farm shop
In San Antonio Village...
All locally sourced produce, much is pesticide free.
Produce featured from Joerdy Tzib's family farm is all organic. Short video

cc farm

Chaa Creek Farm, San Ignacio, mick@chaacreek.com, 880-0409

Pacbitun Farm, San Antonio, pgmargret@gmail.com, 672-5319

Oxmul Farm, San Antonio, oxmulcoffe21@gmail.com, 666-3385

Bonanza Farm, Pooks Hill, johnarana72@gmail.com 601-4355


Waving Palms / Nathan Schrock Farmer located on road to ATM Caves (main crop is orange sweet potatoes),

Ta'Nah Farmers, San Antonio, contact Obed Martinez 668-7538

GUSTAV Penner Farm, Centerville, contact community phone 611-4763

Aaron Martin Farm, Centerville, contact community phone 611-4763