This online guide has been created for you to successfully grow a variety of plants that thrive in the tropics, using native seeds and plants to get growing with wise advice from fellow backyard gardeners and farmers. You are welcome to add your wisdom andshare growing and harvest tips and recipes. Send to | Welcome to
the Pro-Organic Belize Tropical Garden Grow Guide Where you are the student and the teacher |
December 2021 plant of the month: Irish
red potatoes Traditionally Irish red pototoes are
planted during the first two weeks of November in Belize
for harvest by February.
Potatoes grow better in the cooler months of the
year and
are easier to harvest before the dry season when the
soil hardens. There are two varieties of Irish potatoes,
white and red. The
red variety grows better in Belize and can be stored
longer. How to grow: Potatoes grow
from cut up pieces of potato called seed potato. Potatoes are
cut into pieces with eyes (the buds) ensure that each
piece has at least two eyes. A general
rule: One pound of potatoes will make approximately 9-10
seed pieces. In
order to help ensure disease free seed potatoes, farmers
in Belize order seed potatoes in June or July each year
from Belize Agriculture Extension Service at Central
Farm 824-2123. Spade the soil to about 8-12 inches deep,
then work the soil into hills, or make trenches with raised mounds on each side about 24
inches apart. Avoid using animal manure unless it is
well composted. Plant each seed piece with the cut side
down about 2 inches deep and be sure to irrigate until
the plants sprout and while they are growing if it does
not rain. As the plants grow, potatoes may come to
the surface. While
they are growing, be sure to keep the potatoes covered
with soil at all times to prevent the potatoes from
toxic greening.
Mulch, like straw and sawdust helps cover the
potatoes and prevents weeds. Insect and disease control: Flea beetles,
aphids, wire worms and leaf hoppers like potatoes.
Sulfur, bt, and neem based insecticides are recommended
as acceptable 'organic' insecticides. Potatoes are
also susceptable to early blight, black rot, viruses and
wilt. Be
sure to use potatoes free of disease to avoid diseases. To harvest: Harvest is
generally within 95 – 110 days. Potatoes are
ready for harvest when the top of the plants begin to
die and the potatoes feel firm to touch. Dig around and
under the circumference of the plant with a shovel or
spading fork allowing at least 8 – 10 inches away from
plant to help prevent cutting into the potatoes. Raise the
plant and shake away the soil. Remove the
potatoes from the vines. Store the potatoes in a cool shaded
location. Health benefits: Potatoes contain
vitamins and minerals and carbohydrates and protein. An average potato, approximately 3 inches
by 3 inches, contains about 168 calories, 5 grams of
protein, 37 carbs, 4 grams fiber, 24 milligrams sodium,
37% RDI vitamin C and 31% vitamin B6. Recipes: Irish red
potatoes are delicous, boiled, baked, roasted, fried or
cooked and made into hot or cold potato salad, or added
to soups and stews. An easy pan fried recipe: Wash about
5 potatoes, then cut the potatoes into quarters. Cover with
salted water and gently boil for about 5 minutes, drain
then add to a frying pan with two tablespoons coconut
oil and one large sliced up onion. Cook over
medium heat until the onions are browned and the
potatoes are tender. Stir once or twice while the
potatoes are cooking.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper and enjoy. |