


New Studies on Glyphosate

Many Belizeans are deeply concerned about the most used herbicidal agro-chemicals containing Glyphosate, as new studies have shown that these chemicals are likely not only injurious to farmers, but to citizens as well.
According to a recent NIH study, Glyphosate consumption from food has been shown to have a substantial part in insulin resistance, making it a severe concern to those with type 2 diabetes, and recent figures released by the International Diabetes Federation shows that 13.42% of the population or 44,715 people are living with diabetes in Belize.
Researchers from the University of Washington evaluated many existing studies and concluded that glyphosate significantly increases the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer of the immune system, and glyphosate has been classified as a probable carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer whose mission is “cancer research for cancer prevention”. The manufacturer of glyphosate, has already settled the majority of cancer lawsuits for more than $10 billion (US dollars).
Breast Cancer
According to the first public oncology clinic established in Belize in 2018, 28% of cancers are breast cancers. Glyphosate exposures during critical periods of breast development (e.g., gestation, early childhood, adolescence, pregnancy) can lead to later risk for developing breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in Belize and disproportionately affects more younger women in the country.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has recently expressed concerns about the potential health impacts of pesticide residues, including glyphosate, on children.
Individuals may be exposed to glyphosate through various routes such as food and drinking water, both in the occupational and environmental settings. Recent findings suggest glyphosate and its metabolites may also spread by wind and water erosion. Glyphosate has also been found in dust within non-agricultural homes, suggesting that the exposure is not only occupational.
In addition to harm to humans, glyphosate is extremely toxic to bees disrupting their gut biome, with negative impacts on the development of bee broods, reproduction, as well as their foraging and navigation abilities. It is also toxic to soil microorganisms, to beneficial microflora, to earthworms and generally can disrupt good soil biology.
For many of these reasons, 28 countries have already completely banned or restricted glyphosate use and Mexico has pledged to eliminate its use within the next 2 months. Monsanto owner Bayer AG is removing glyphosate-based herbicides from US consumer markets due to litigations. More than 100,000 people are currently suing Bayer claiming harm.

Health Effects of 10 most used agro-chemicals in Belize

More info on Glyphosate

Glyphosate and Bee Die-off

Glyphosate Facts