
Pro-Organic Belize

Garden Grow Guide

Where you are the student and the teacher

This online guide has been created to help you to successfully grow a variety of plants that thrive in the tropics, using native seeds and plants to get groing with wise advice from fellow backyard gardeners and farmers.  You are welcome to ask questions and/or add your wisdom and share and share growing and harvest tips and recipes.


Botanical Name
Artocarpus altilis
Soil pH
Soil Type
Light-Medium, well drained
Sun Exposure
some shade when young, then full sun



Grow Guide Index


More Info on Breadfruit can be found in the Belize Ag Report, Issue 38, in an excellent article by Santiago Juan on page 3
Click Here

Breadfruit is the featured plant for February 2024

Growing Breadfruit from Seed:
Few breadfruit trees growing in Belize produce viable seeds. But seeds can sometimes be found in the Ulu Fiti and Ma’afala varieties.  Seeds are edible and can be roasted and consumed. Viable seeds are typically oval shaped, brown with dark stripes, pointed at one end and rounded at the other end. Remove seeds from a healthy, ripe breadfruit and plant soon after as they will not remain viable for long. Place the seeds in a strainer and wash to remove the pulp. Plant seeds shallow in well-drained loose potting soil. Water, keeping the potting mix lightly moist but not saturated. Do not let the soil completely dry out. Plant each germinated seedling, which will take about 10-14 days, in a large enough individual bag or pot to maintain for about a year before planting tree in light well-drained soil in sunny spot.

Growing Breadfruit from Cuttings:
Seedless breadfruit is most often propagated from shoots coming from the roots, not from branch cuttings. You can stimulate more shoots by uncovering a root. Choose root shoots that are at least an inch in diameter and cut a segment about 9 inches long. Dip the cut end of each shoot into a potassium permanganate solution to coagulate the latex in the root. Then, plant the shoots horizontally in sand. Keep the shoots in a shady area, watering daily, until calluses form. This can take anywhere from six weeks to several months. Then you should transplant them into large enough pots or bags and water them daily until the plants are about 2 feet tall. Plant in final location and wait about 2 to 3 years. Breadfruit trees can produce 50 to 200 breadfruits per year depending on size and can grow up to 85 feet tall, and survive with little care for decades.
Easiest method is to purchase small trees like the one featured in top left photo from an expert. (See end of article for contact information.)

Nutrient-dense breadfruit is a source of carbohydrates, high in fiber and low in fat. One cup of breadfruit contains a good dose of potassium, vitamin C, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), thiamin (B1).and calcium. The protein in breadfruit is from essential amino acids that the body does not produce on its own.

Health Benefits:
Research indicates that breadfruit’s compounds contain anti-inflammatory properties and can be beneficial in the treatment of rheumatic and muscular pain. It is also rich in carotenoids which are vitamin A precursors, and can help to maintain healthy eyesight. In the Pacific Islands breadfruit pulp has been traditionally used as a tonic for the liver and high blood pressure and some studies suggest it may be helpful in preventing type 2 diabetes. Extracts of breadfruit contain ethyl acetate and methanol which have been shown to be antibacterial. 

How to Prepare:
Similar to a potato, breadfruit can be baked, steamed, fried, sautéed, or used in stews and soups. Since it is relatively bland in taste it can be used in both sweet and savory recipes.To handle breadfruit for cooking, remove the stem and wash the fruit. You can cut the fruit into quarters and remove core for easier handling. The skin can be peeled before cooking, but is easier to remove after cooking.

can be made with breadfruit and is more easily digestible than wheat flour. It is gluten free, and unlike wheat, it is not sprayed with glyphosate which is used as a desiccant on wheat just before harvest. Only use firm-mature and undamaged breadfruit for processing into flour. Remove the stem and cut in half then cut each half into 4 wedges. Cut out the core from each wedge and peel. Grate into thin pieces and put into dehydrator or low oven or place in sun to dry. After completely dry, put in grinder or food processor until it is processed into a fine powder. 


Flat Bread made with Breadfruit Flour
1 ¾ c breadfruit flour
1/3 c tapioca flour
¼ cup white flour
¼ c Greek yogurt
¼ c coconut oil
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
Slowly add water as you mix all ingredients until you can form the mixture into a dough ball
Pinch off about 8 or nine smaller pieces from the dough ball, rolling each into balls and press between wax paper in tortilla press, then fry in oiled ban or comal on both sides.

Spicy Breadfruit Fries

1 breadfruit, peeled and sliced
 3 tsp coriander
3 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cumin
1/4 cup olive oil
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F . Add the coriander, smoked paprika, turmeric, and cumin to a bowl and mix well. Then add in the olive oil and mix. Add in the sliced breadfruit pieces and toss so they are well coated with the olive oil/spice mix. Spread out the breadfruit pieces on a foil-lined baking tray and bake for 18-20 minutes. Enjoy with ketchup or other favorite sauce.

Breakfast Toast Replacement
Peel and slice breadfruit before it becomes soft into round pieces about half to ¾ thickness of a slice of bread, and cut out center.Soak overnight in salted water. Fry in frying pan with olive oil. Serve topped with scrambled or fried eggs
Dessert with Coconut Milk
First steam cored peeled and cubed mature breadfruit, then place fully cooked cubes in medium pot. Turn heat to low and pour in 1 can coconut milk. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Stir in sugar and salt til dissolved. Simmer for another 5 minutes. Serve hot as dessert.

Breadfruit with Tomatoes
1  breadfruit (before it becomes soft)
1 - 2 large red tomato, chopped (or 1 cup canned diced tomatoes)
¼ cup chopped onion
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1/3 cup chopped sweet pepper
¼  cup finely chopped celery
Salt and pepper to taste
1 ½ tsp vegetable oil
Peel the breadfruit; cut length-ways in half (from stem to end). Then slice both half pieces length-ways into half-pieces again, to get 6 wedge-shaped pieces. Cut out and discard the center of each wedge. Then cut each wedge into smaller pieces. Add all ingredients in a pot and cover with water. Bring to boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes or until tender. There should be a little gravy in the pot, so be careful not to let all the water dry out.

Belize Breadfruit Salad with Lime and Cilantro
Boiled breadfruit
Diced tomatoes
Diced onions
Chopped cilantro
Lime juice
Salt and pepper to taste

begin by boiling the breadfruit until tender. Allow it to cool, then dice it into bite-sized pieces. In a large bowl, combine the diced breadfruit with tomatoes, onions, and chopped cilantro. Drizzle with lime juice and season with salt and pepper to taste. Toss the salad to evenly distribute the flavors, and serve chilled.

Bonanza Farms
To order breadfruit Saplings, contact John Arana of Bonanza Farms

Phone: +5016014355

Current Product Offerings: Breadfruit Saplings, Cassava Cuttings. Vanilla Cuttings

     Breadfruit Varieties:
  • Ma‘afala - fast-growing tree that tends to be shorter, with a more compact shape than most breadfruit varieties.
  • Ulu Fiti and Puaa - fast-growing trees that produces large, delicious fruit.
  • Otea  - produces an abundance of large, delicious fruit.