This online guide has been created for you to successfully grow a variety of plants that thrive in the tropics, using native non-GMO seeds and plants to get growing with wise advice from fellow  backyard gardeners and farmers. You are welcome to add your wisdom, share seed procurement, growing, harvest tips and recipes. Just follow the format below to write about a backyard vegetable, fruit, bush or tree that you like, or would like to learn about, and send your article to

Welcome to Pro-Organic Belize
Tropical Garden Grow Guide
Where you are the student and the teache

bok choy
Photo Credit: Mary Loan

Botanic name:
Brassica rapa
Cultivar group:
Plant type:
A green leafy member of the crucifer family
Sun exposure:
Partial sun (at least 3-5 hours per day), up to full sun
Bok choy is considered to be “pH neutral”, or around 7.0 pH
Soil preference:
Loamy, nitrogen rich fertile soil, bok choy thrives in compost and mulch and does best planted in a location with good drainage.
A plant that grows above ground with broad green leaves. Many plants are harvested before they reach full maturity of over 15 inches as they young plants are sweeter and milder tasting.


Grow Guide Index

April 2024 Plant of the Month
Bok Choy
By Mary Loan
Bok choy, also known as pak choy or pok choi is a type of Chinese cabbage; unlike most cabbage varieties it does not form heads but grows in green broad-leafed bunches from bulbous white bases.  It is believed to have originated in ancient China as early as the 5th century AD and has grown to be cultivated in many countries world wide.  

How to grow: Seeds may be started in planting trays or directly in the garden.   Each plant requires 7” in each direction to grow.  If started in planting trays, plant 2-3 seeds in each cell, then, when the seeds sprout, pinch off all but the strongest seedling. Transplant when the seedling is at least 2” high.  If planting in the soil sow the seeds and cover with ¼ to ½ inch of soil.  A little worm castings compost may be added to the planting soil in the seed trays or in the garden.  Gently spray with water to keep the soil moist, but not soggy.  If you just love bok choy, start a crop of new seedlings by planting every two to three weeks.  Bok choy is less likely to bolt if planted in the cooler months in Belize: November, December, January and February. Farming experts at Central Farm claim that bok choy will grow year-round in Belize. Maybe planting in a shadier location during the hottest months of March, April and June will help plants to thrive. A light application of organic fertilizer will help plants stay healthy.  If the plants bolt be sure to dry and save the seeds to plant a new crop
How to harvest:  In about one month individual leaves can be harvested from the outside of the plant.  It generally takes 45 days until the plant is ready to harvest.  To harvest cut the plant from the bottom leaving the base in the earth; if you water the stump it will sprout a few new leaves for another harvest.
Disease and insect control: Unfortunately bok choy is susceptible to flea beetles, aphids, slugs and snails.  Some on-line gardening advice articles claim that a biopesticide, spinosad, helps to halt damaging insects from enjoying your plants before you do.
Health benefits: Bok choy is a nutritional power house; besides being crunchy and delicious and full of fiber, the plants are rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.  The plants are also a good source of Omega 3 and folate. 
Recipes: Bok choy can be enjoyed raw in salads, smoothies and sandwiches, cooked as a stir fry ingredient, added to soup, or simply steamed.  The leaves and diced up stems cook in two to three minutes or less.
Bok Choy Salad:

  • 1 pound bok choy washed and finely sliced
  • 1 carrot grated
  • 1 red bell pepper diced
  • 1 small handful of raisins (optional)
  • juice of one orange and a few gratings of orange peel
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • about ¼ cup sliced almonds or sunflower seeds for garnish
Place all the cut-up veggies in a large bowl, Mix all the remaining
ingredients in a bowl or jar.  Gently blend into the veggie mixture and serve.
Bok Choy Stir Fry:


  • 2 cups chopped bok choy leaves and stems
  • 1 clove garlic (2 if you really like garlic)
  • 1 knob fresh ginger finely grated
  • 1 teaspoon honey or sugar
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
Heat the coconut oil, swirl it around the pan then add all the other
ingredients and cook over a medium high heat for two to three minutes until the bok choy is tender and serve.